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Jane Changes

Facing Old Habits ~ Jane Changes

Later never comes

Later never comes

“How soon ‘not now’ becomes ‘never’.” ~ Martin Luther

I was born with the gift of being great under pressure.  The downside to this, is there are too many journal pages and moments where I put off what needed to be done until the last possible moments.  I have delivered and came through, however, too often with no time to spare.  I will never know the cost this has had in my life.  I do know that as time slips by and we have more years behind us than in front of us the value of time begins to increase.

If only this were a lesson we could teach.  For me I find myself once again facing a deadline and I am not prepared for.  I have a million reasons why, yet I shouldn’t have any.  So in my journey of Facing Demons and Chasing Dreams I am going to commit to not procrastinate for 30 days.

Our dreams are directly linked to our thoughts, however, those thoughts have no value if there isn’t action behind them.  So today I will commit with this post which I was going to do tomorrow and instead decided to do today, the procrastinating stops here.

Jane Changes




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